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Emojam for YouTube creators: offer audio GIFs as a new Membership perk!

Your fans already sound off in your YouTube comments - now it’s time to turn the sound on in other apps through Emojam GIFs with audio. It all begins with creating your own exclusive Emojams - or in other words, GIFs with sound. Your fans will then have access to the most expressive and advanced form of emoji in today’s digital landscape, unlocking the ability to share your unique Emojam not only on YouTube, but through messaging and other social apps.


how to set up your Emojam account?

Simply head over to Emojam Studio, sync your profile with your YouTube account, and start creating your own Emojam audio GIFs! Learn more >


meet some of the creators whose fans are loving their exclusive Emojams


we aren’t just talking a good game, we have the results to back it up. 


want us to create your custom Emojam?

No problem! Our in-house team has a laser-focused eye to what’s buzzing in the streets and going viral online, and we’re here to help your personality shine through your emojam.

Don’t have a YouTube Membership program set up for your channel? Check if you’re eligible here.